Procrastination, boredom fill senior skip day
IMAGE / Haylie Brooks
Senior skip day has always been the Monday after prom, making it May 15 this year.
Because I have so much school spirit and love to support the Class of 2017, I decided to participate in senior skip day.
8:00 a.m.
After waking up to my sister running around the house because she woke up late for school, I was unable to fall back asleep.
Instead of doing something productive, I lay in bed scrolling through my social media and talking with a few of my friends, attempting to make plans for the rest of the day.
None of these plans actually panned out, but it was nice to dream.
9:30 a.m.
I finally got up to shower and prepare for the rest of my day, as well as mentally organize all the things I needed to finish.
I had homework from the prior Friday, but I was still suffering from post-prom fatigue. I decided against finishing it at the moment.
10:00 a.m.

We cruise through senior Wiliam Spielmaker’s neighborhood in a Mustang.
Senior Alexis Gregory and I used FaceTime to talk about her plans for the week and everything we have to finish as seniors.
It started to hit me that I only have four days of high school left. I knew I was very ready for it to be over.
I decided to sit down and finish some last-minute homework that I have procrastinated on during the weekend.
About 15 minutes into doing homework, seniors Wiliam Spielmaker and Shelby Wiley made plans to go for a ride in Spielmaker’s fathers Mustang.
We drove around for about an hour, jamming out to a throwback playlist and laughing at how awkward it is driving a stick shift.
Afterward, we decided to head back to Spielmaker’s to relax for a few hours.
2 p.m.
Due to the fact that we were bored out of our minds, we decided to set up a trampoline in Spielmaker’s back yard.
After it was all set up, we lay in the sun and talked about how prom went and everything to come in the future.
We contemplated whether to order a pizza or go to a restaurant. In the end, dragged ourselves to Little Caesers’ to pick up a pizza.

I struggled to finish my homework multiple times throughout the day.
4 p.m.
Spielmaker dropped us off at home and boredom set in once again.
I sat down to pound out the rest of my homework, but it didn’t quite work out like that.
6:30 p.m.
My mother brought home Chinese food, and I checked out for the night.
But I realized that I probably should finish the already-late homework, and decided to hurry up and finish it before heading off to bed.
Although it seems like a day to be lazy, senior skip day can be entertaining, and if possible, should be taken advantage of by seniors for years to come.

Birthday: March 9, 1999
Extracurricular activities: Hanging out with friends, attending football games
Interests: Photography, music

Birthday: December 15, 1998
Extracurricular activities: Work
Hobbies: Hunting, fishing, and Netflix
Plans after high school: Go to...