Girls track snatches up runner-up trophy
The Kearsley girls track and field team finished second at Kearsley’s Harry Burnet Relays on Wednesday, April 12.
Carman-Ainsworth won the meet with 94 points. Kearsley scored 86 points for second, squeezing past third-place Lapeer by two points.
The 800-meter sprint medley relay placed first with a time of 1:59.72. The team consisted of Amelia Boggs, Stacia Tipton, Madison Jordan, and Ave’r McKay.
The team of Boggs, Tipton, Sydney Walker, and McKay took third in the 800 relay with a time of 1:55.55.
The 400 relay, with Boggs, Asia Donald, Sierra Walker, and Sydney Walker, placed third in a time of 57.77.
Brooklynn Dever, Nisha Hartley, Savannah Jones, and Chloe Vollmar ran in the 3200 relay. They took third with a time of 11:44.74.
The team of Vollmar, Sierra Walker, Ava Kelsey, and Jones placed third in the distance medley. Their time was 16:01.96.
The Hornets took second place in the 1600 relay. The team of McKay, Jordan, Boggs, and Tipton finished in 4:36.05.
The Hornets also did well in the field events.
The throwers ran in a 400 relay, exchanging the shot put instead of a baton. The Hornets took third.
The team consisted of Barbara Hawes, Quashayla Johnson, Mackenzie Ramey, and Mary Wheeler. They ran this event in 1:15.81.
Senior Alexis Schwartz placed first in pole vault, vaulting 7 feet, 6 inches, while Sydney Walker and Tipton combined for third in the long jump relay. Walker jumped 13-1.25 and Tipton leaped 11-2.25.
Johnson and Hawes together placed second in discus. Johnson threw 89-3 and Hawes threw 73-9.
In the shot put relay, Ramey and Johnson got first. Ramey threw 32-9.25 and Johnson threw 29-7.5.
The Hornets’ next meet will be Wednesday, April 19, at Holly.

Birthday: October 7, 2000
Extracurricular activities: Student Council
Sports: K-Motion, Track and field
Interests: Netflix, Music,...