Schulz’s creative spark will take her far in life
IMAGE / Courtesy of Rian Schulz
Senior Rian Schulz
From theater productions and large ambitions to her down-to-earth personality, senior Rian Anne Schulz truly does it all.
Schulz is a part of the 13-year club due to the fact that she has attended Kearsley schools since preschool.
“Its fun. You get to bond with people and see all your friends grow up alongside you,” Schulz said.
Being one of Kearsley’s finest takes a lot of hard work. She is in the top ten of the Class of 2017.
Schulz has been involved in the school’s theater productions since her freshman year. This year is a special case, Schulz actually wrote the play that will be performed this year. Not only did she write the play, she will also produce the play.
Her play is called “Murder Will Make Him Mine,” and it took eight months to write.
“It’s taken a lot of work to get where the play is today, but I feel happy with all that I’ve managed to do,” Schulz said.
By being involved with previous theater productions, she got the idea to write her play last year from Mr. John Hall, theater teacher.
After Schulz worked with Miss Julie Lemon, KHS Class of 2016, on the play that Lemon wrote called, “Eleventh Night,” Hall brought up the idea of her own play.
Schulz thought it was a joke. But she later realized that he was being serious, so she went for it.

Senior Rian Schulz spends her time releasing her creative juices through art.
Schulz does not limit herself artistically with only theater. She also enjoys painting.
For Christmas this year she painted on blank coffee mugs as gifts for her friends.
Last year she painted murals at an assisted living facility.
Intelligence is a strong characteristic for Schulz. When you talk to Schulz you can tell just how intelligent she is.
“She has always been such a bright individual,” Hall said.
Her impeccable grades have helped land her a hefty scholarship to Adrian College, where she plans to get her bachelor’s degree.
When Schulz graduates from Adrian she plans to go to medical school to become a pediatric oncologist.
When people visit Schulz’s house, they are pleasantly surprised by one of her pets. She has a brown and white guinea pig named Humphrey.
She also has a dog named Fisher that she has had for as long as she can remember.
Schulz enjoys having a pet of her own because it teaches her responsibility for having to care for another living creature. Her guinea pig cage stays in her bedroom, and she feeds, cleans, and cares for Humphrey.

Humphrey, senior Rian Schulz’s guinea pig, loves cuddling with his mom.
People love getting to know Schulz in depth. She is so easy to have a conversation with. She always has smart comments to make and has interesting views on things.
She is so charismatic toward her peers and is a truly lovable person.
Senior Dylan McIntire said Schulz’s knowledge has always been an apparent trait.
“I grew up down the road from Rian and she is definitely one of the smartest people I know,” McIntire said.
Others have nothing but good things to say about her, which truly shows her character.
Senior Brieanna Boven looks up to Schulz.
“Rian is a lovely girl. She is so smart and I aspire to be as kind as her,” Boven said.
Schulz also is a runner for Kearsley’s cross country team. She has run for two years.
One of Schulz’s closest friends, senior Emily Harper, is also on the cross country team and said Schulz is a supportive friend and teammate.
“I remember us always encouraging each other to do better, not to walk, and to improve our time,” Harper said.
Harper said that Schulz inspires her to accomplish her goals just like she has.
“She only wants what is best for her friends and is willing to help if she can,” Harper said.

Birthday: September 12, 2000
Extracurricular activities: Theater
Hobbies: Painting, theater, and making memes.
Plans after high school: College