The Detroit Zoo’s Wild Lights brighten December
IMAGE / Heather McNeill
The Detroit Zoo Lights offers a bright night for everyone to visit and enjoy.
During the holidays the Detroit Zoo decorates their facility with colorful Christmas lights, calling the display Wild Lights.
The lights were opened Nov. 18 for the winter season. I had the pleasure of attending the zoo on opening night.
Tickets for the events, which run from Thursdays through Sundays from 5:30 to 9 p.m., are $10 in advanced and $13 at the gate.
I heard many good reviews on the lights from last year and decided to check it out.
The drive to the zoo from Flint is between 45 minutes to an hour. Although that might seem like a long ride, it’s worth the wait.
The walk around the zoo to enjoy the lights and other festivities lasts for 30 to 45 minutes.
Throughout the zoo there are more than 200 animal structures as well as trees covered in lights of all shapes, sizes, and colors.

The Wild Lights hippo looked brilliant from the 2015 display at the Detroit Zoo.
The types of animals vary throughout the zoo, so does the color of the lights.
At the very beginning of the zoo the fountain is filled with blue lights to represent water, and a goose structure is located in the center covered in white lights.
It’s a very pretty sight to begin your walk around the zoo.
The animals decorated in the Christmas lights come from all over the world. Varying from polar bears to giraffes all decorated in multiple colors.
More than five million LED lights show off a variety of colors, depending on the structures size and the amount of lights that could be put on it.
The building located at the end of the zoo is also covered in lights. Bringing a big end to the walk around the brightly lighted zoo.
The lights are opened for the following dates: Dec. 1-4, 8-11, 15-23, and 26-31.
All in all, it’s an eventful and enjoyable time and is a great experience for all ages.
I highly recommended this winter activity to spend time with your family and friends.

Birthday: October 7, 2000
Extracurricular activities: Student Council
Sports: K-Motion, Track and field
Interests: Netflix, Music,...