Five students share their favorite things about Thanksgiving
IMAGE / Katelyn Elumbaugh
Thanksgiving is a time for families to gather around to share what they are thankful for and to celebrate the happy times as a family.
Many people have different Thanksgiving traditions, with the food they eat and the way they give thanks.
In this story, five people will share their traditions.
Brendan Nowacki, Freshman

Freshman Brendan Nowacki and his family spend Thanksgiving at their aunt’s home.
For the past three years, the Nowackis drive to their aunt’s house in Clarkston for Thanksgiving. They tend to get there two days in advance to help get the house set up for the rest of the family to arrive.
“On actual Thanksgiving Day it becomes a huge family gathering. We usually talk about politics and later they sit around the TV and watch the football game,” Nowacki said. “After the game, it is time for prayers, and we recite the Polish and American prayer. Then its time to dig in and eat.”
Favorite foods
“My aunt is a gourmet chef and, man, her cooking is great,” Nowacki said.
The menu that is served is an oven-smoked turkey, a three-pound ham that is slow roasted in candied bacon, and his aunt’s famous sweet potatoes with marshmallows.
What are you thankful for?
“I’m thankful for my friends and family that has showed me there is more to life than death and taxes,” Nowacki said.

Junior Roman Ascencio’s family celebrates the holiday with typical Thanksgiving food along with a few Mexican dishes.
Roman Ascensio, Junior
“Thanksgiving is dedicated to family times and to spend time with the ones you love the most,” Ascencio said.
The food for Ascensio is just a bonus.
Favorite foods
Ascensio’s family has the typical turkey, stuffing, green beans, and mashed potatoes. However, the family includes a Mexican twist, adding tamales, enchiladas, and taco salad.
For dessert they have three different kinds of pies: pumpkin, apple, and strawberry.
What are you thankful for?
Ascensio is thankful for pretty much everyone and everything in his life.

Sophomore Niccos Patrick is thankful for all his mother has done for him.
Niccos Patrick, Sophomore
“We eat, mess around, and eat some more,” Patrick said.
Favorite foods
Honey smoked ham, fried turkey, potato salad, cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes, stuffing, and steamed carrots. For dessert, his family eats cheesecake and cookies with milk.
What are you thankful for?
Patrick is grateful for his mom and doesn’t know where he would be without her. She is his world.
“My mom has blessed me with a lot of things that not everybody else is able to have,” he said, “so I’m beyond thankful for her.”

Junior Trish Hoffman spends a relaxed day with her family on Thanksgiving.
Trisha Hoffman, Junior
The family usually watches movies and hangs out, making it just one laid back day. There are no places to be and nothing to accomplish.
“The day of Thanksgiving leads to a family get together and for us to act like a happy family for one day of the year,” Hoffman said.
Favorite foods
“Turkey and the ham, with the side of cheesy potato is what I look forward to every year,” Hoffman said. “The sherbet floats that are made are a huge hit. It’s two parts sherbet and one part root beer.”
What are you thankful for?
Hoffman is thankful for everyone in her life and the few friends she has, including boyfriend Roman Ascencio.
She is also thankful that the presidential electon is over.
“I’m thankful the election is over because that was the most stressful time in my life,” Hoffman said.
Molly Taber, Freshman

Freshman Molly Taber enjoys spending Thanksgiving with her family.
Molly Taber’s family watches the thanksgiving football game and usually plays the Xbox together as a family.
They then cut the turkey and the children see who gets the bigger side of the wish bone. Afterward, they sit at the dining room table all together as a family and eat.
After dinner, the family goes outside and jumps on the trampoline or plays basketball.
Following some recreation, it’s pie time.
Favorite Foods
The menu that is served is the usual turkey and mashed potatoes.
But they add casseroles and corn bread, along with different types of pies with whipped cream that varies from year to year.
What are you thankful for?
Taber knows she wouldn’t have gotten this far without the handful of people in her life that care about her.
“I am thankful for having a close relationship with my family,” Taber said, “including my mom and the support that I get from the rest of my family along with my few close friends.”

Birthday: December 28, 1999
Extracurricular activities: Work
Hobbies: Laughing, coloring, and being imperfect.
Plans after high school: Go...

Birthday: March 9, 1999
Extracurricular activities: Hanging out with friends, attending football games
Interests: Photography, music