New policy calms behavior after school

IMAGE / Brianna Horne

Sophomores Grace Stempie (l to r), Emily Jones, and Ellena Dye study in the library after school on Wednesday, Oct. 26 , while other students talk behind them.

A new after school policy went into effect on Monday, Oct. 24, that states that students who stay after school must be in the library or with their teachers within 10 minutes after the final bell.

Principal Brian Wiskur enacted this policy to keep peace and order after school.

“I’m tired of students loitering after school,” Wiskur said. “That means lingering without a purpose.”

Those who do not have a purpose in the library or in the halls after school now risk a three-day suspension.

Junior Noel Nowacki is unhappy about the policy because he stays after school to wait for his younger brother and to participate in after school activities.

“I am very disappointed in the school’s choice in punishing the kids that behave after school,” Nowacki said.