Kalahari proves to be a fun destination close to home
IMAGE / Wikimedia Commons
The Kalahari Resort is located in Sandusky, Ohio.
While most students spend their spring break soaking up the Florida sun on some beautiful beach, most of mine was spent in my room, lying around in pajamas, staring outside my window at the falling snow, silently crying.
I would occasionally leave my bed for food and other activities that involved staying indoor, but other than that I was at home most of “spring” break (even though it still felt like winter).
But on Thursday, April 7, I was able to spice up my so-far boring break by going to spend the night at the Kalahari resort in Sandusky, Ohio.
My mom unfortunately woke me up that day to start getting ready to leave at 8 a.m., which was an hour before I set my alarm to the more appropriate time to wake up.
But nothing could ruin my excitement, not even being deprived of sleep.
I quickly threw on some sweats and, soon after, my boyfriend and his family picked me up and we were off.
For roughly three hours I was stuck in a car with five other people.
Although I really like those five other people, I do not normally like being stuck in a car for that long.
But the ride was actually not as bad as I had originally anticipated, thanks to a game called Cheeser, which we played most of the ride.

The DePottey family, along with friends, pose for a photo at Kalahari resort on Thursday, April 7.
In this game you yell “cheeser” every time you see a yellow car. Whoever sees the most yellow cars by the end of the car ride wins, but only bragging rights.
Seems boring, but it actually makes the time pass more quickly than just blankly staring out of the window.
Finally, after what seemed like an eon, the Kalahari resort was in sight.
But, to my surprise, we passed it. My boyfriend’s dad just drove right past it on purpose.
Once I figured out he passed it so we could go to Steak N’ Shake a few miles down the road, I returned back to a calm state. I was still able to get out of the car very soon, thank goodness.
After lunch, which was delicious, we finally went to Kalahari.
The main lobby, filled with African-themed displays, was jam packed; everywhere I turned some child was bumping into me.
Although this was getting slightly annoying, we soon were able to leave the lobby and go to our room.
Featuring two flat screen TVs, two bathrooms, and a fireplace, the room was very luxurious.
I was getting a free getaway after all, compliments of my boyfriend’s family, so there was nothing to complain about.
Jacob DePottey, my boyfriend, and I quickly got dressed into our swimsuits and entered the water park.
As America’s largest indoor water park, the place was filled with many different things to do.
To start off our park experience, we sat down in tubes and went down the lazy river.

Freshman Allison DePottey (left), Brianna Greer and seniors Makenzie Schroeder and Jacob DePottey pose with their guns during laser tag.
Although it was meant to be relaxing, many little children were running around in it and pushing on Jacob’s and mine tubes.
But, then again, it is a children’s park so that is to be expected.
Afterward, we decided to tackle the water slides, and all of them were a blast.
There were many instances that I thought I was going to fall out of the tube, but thankfully I did not.
Going underwater scares me (ironic that I was at a water park, right?), so I held onto the tube with all of the strength in me.
Jacob and I spent most of the day on the slides laughing and screaming.
Over and over again we climbed the stairs to each slide, ready to tackle them all.
My favorite was the roller coaster slide, featuring a two-seat boat. This was a fast-pace water slide that had the feel of a coaster.
We even rode a few others with his sister and her friend, which added to the fun.
After wearing ourselves out from all of the screaming, tube gripping, and stair climbing, we decided to rest for a while in the outdoor hot tub.
I was also impressed with the indoor-outdoor hot tub.
At this point the sun was down and there were underwater lights illuminating the tub.
Steam was also rising from it due to the hot temperature of the water and the cool atmosphere outdoors, adding to the exotic theme.
After about 20 minutes of pure relaxation, we went back to the hotel room and changed, then we decided to go to the arcade.
While there, we played glow in the dark mini putt putt, laser tag, and many other games.
During laser tag I was getting into the game by running around and dodging others. It was my favorite game that I enjoyed playing with Jacob, his sister, and her friend.
But, overall, all of the games were competitive and fun.
After this, I was completely worn out.

An elephant display at Cabelas draws attention from many customers.
I dragged myself back to the hotel room and completely passed out upon lying down.
In the morning, we left the park.
But our fun was not over.
On the way home we stopped at Cabelas, a huge store that sells hunting, camping, and other types of outdoor equipment.
There were displays of exotic animals, an aquarium, and so much more to look at while there.
It was a cool store that I encourage everyone to check out.
Not to mention they sell really good cookies there.
After this stop and another competitive game of cheeser, I was home.
This trip may not have been an average spring-break excursion spent by many seniors, but it was definitely one filled with fun.
It was not too far from home and not as expensive as a week-long trip to a tropical destination would have been.
Going to Kalahari is definitely something to consider if looking for an affordable getaway.
I appreciate Jacob’s family for taking me, I am very grateful to have been able to wrap up my spring break in such an exciting way with such fun people.

Class: Senior
Extracurricular Activities: National Honor Society, DECA
Sports: Varsity dance, varsity tennis
Hobbies/Interests: Reading, shopping,...