Retail, DECA provide opportunities for future business students
IMAGE / Amellia Vasquez-Collins
Senior Trent Tuttle works in the Hornets Nest.
Many juniors and seniors work in the school store, the Hornets Nest.
Students can work a variety of different jobs in the Hornets Nest, such as cashier, security guard, inventory clerk, and many others. A select few can work as managers.
The retail class offers employment at the Hornets Nest. It is a year-long class that can be taken by upperclassmen who have successfully passed Marketing I and II.
Senior Trent Tuttle, a manager of the store, said, “Just taking these two classes won’t get you into retail, we have to have recommendations from teachers.”
A suggested path to employment in the Hornets Nest is taking Marketing I in ninth grade, Marketing II in 10th grade, and applying for Retail in 11th or 12th grade.
Tuttle describes working in the Hornets Nest as “a hands-on retail experience” that can help prepare students for a future career.
Students thinking about pursuing a career in marketing, business, or retail should consider taking the class.
If students do not want to take retail, or if they do not get into the class, there are other opportunities to further their experiences, such as taking BMA or accounting.
Besides the school store, students can join DECA as another great way for students to prepare for their careers.
DECA is an active organization in Kearsley that is geared toward preparing students who plan on going into marketing, finance, hospitality, and management careers.
“I plan on being an interpreter or human resources manager,” Adrianna Ruiz, senior, said. “(DECA) has helped me prepare by giving me a lot of networking opportunities with people from all over the United States and even the world.”
This is Ruiz’s third year competing in DECA. Ruiz plans to compete in Collegiate DECA after high school.
DECA competitions are held in and out of state, giving students a chance to travel and meet and learn with peers who also share an interest in the business world.
“DECA gives you experience with interviews (and) writing papers, which is college preparation,” Tuttle said.
To join DECA, students must take a semester of Marketing I or II, BMA, retail, or accounting.
Students with an interest in retail or DECA can learn a great deal about their careers and futures by choosing the right classes.

Class: Senior
Hobbies: Kayaking, Walking, Biking, Being outdoors and with friends.
Athletics: Cross country
Future Plans: U-M Flint, Western Michigan...