Jacobi Wright does cupcakes right
IMAGE / Gracen Nelson
Junior Jacobi Wright
Junior Jacobi Wright, KHS celebrity, is someone to look up to.
Wright has accomplished a lot, but what is most impressive about him is that he is an entrepreneur.
Wright is known throughout the school by the staff and students, but is mostly well-known for his successful cupcake business.
“TheWrightCupcake” was first created by Wright to raise money for a trip to France during his sophomore year.
His successful entrepreneurship paved the way for him to pay for the France trip.
“I like to bake and earn money, so I put two and two together and began to bake cupcakes to sell,” Wright said. “After it (the business) helped me raise money to go to France, I had planned to stop, but the students (customers) loved them so much I decided to keep the business going.”
Wright raised one third of the entire cost of the trip from “TheWrightCupcake.”
Wright has had his business for two years and is still going strong.
Senior Tyler Frasher is impressed with Wright’s ability to keep the business going.

Junior Jacobi Wright bakes different cupcakes each week.
“We play tennis together,” Frasher said. “It is cool he made his cupcake business to raise money for his trip, but it is impressive he has kept it going throughout this year.”
Cupcakes are ordered during the week and are sold on Thursdays and Fridays for $2 each.
Wright made a Twitter account for his business and does different things with it.
On the account, @WrightCupcake_, Wright creates polls for followers to vote, creates contests, and posts updates about his business.
The polls are often about what flavor of cupcakes the majority of followers want to purchase that week.
Wright also has contests for his followers to win free cupcakes.
Usually, the followers have to like or retweet a certain tweet to be entered into the contests.
With his Twitter account, Wright can post updates of his business and let followers know the most recent news.
If for some reason cupcakes will not be available that week, Wright can easily post and let his followers know.
In addition, Wright invested in a card reader that he can plug into his phone so customers with debit cards can pay using their card.
He said the card reader has been a good investment.
“It was fairly inexpensive,” Wright said. “It is convenient for people who do not have cash on them but have their debit cards.”
During the week of Easter, I got to personally use the card reader.

TheWrightCupcake’s business card has a customer loyalty component. For every nine purchases, you get the next cupcake free.
Wright simply typed in $2 and slid my card.
Within the next couple of minutes, it was charged to my bank account. It is efficient.
Wright is creative when it comes to his cupcakes.
For example, he decided to put Peeps on top of the cupcakes to celebrate for the week of Easter.
In the past, cupcakes have had Oreo cookies on top of them, candy baked inside, and caramel drizzled over them.
During Easter, he baked one cupcake with a Rolo candy inside. Who ever found the cupcake won a giant chocolate bunny.
Wright is not only an impressive student but also an impressive entrepreneur, even though Wright finds himself busy with “TheWrightCupcake” and his job at JCPenney, he still finds time to do his class work and maintain his good grades.
Many students could not do what Wright has accomplished.
Junior Kaitlyn Foco, Wright’s classmate, has eaten his cupcakes before.
“His cupcakes are delicious. His business is successful and it is something other students could not accomplish,” Foco said.
Besides making cupcakes, Wright plays varsity tennis, is a representative for student council, sings in A Cappella choir, and is in the National Honor Society.
Wright was hired at JCPenney for seasonal help around Christmas time, but he was kept on because of his great personality and work ethic.
In addition, he is described by friends as a studious, laid-back, and social guy.
Wright is proud to say he has been at Kearsley his whole life and loves his school family.
“Kearsley is a great school. I am proud to say I am a Kearsley Hornet.”

Class: Senior
Extracurricular Activities: DECA, Drama Club, works at Kmart
Sports: Tennis
Plans after high school: Attending Mott Community College,...