Snow days cause physical labor, road hazards
IMAGE / Mrs. Sandra Schroeder
Senior Makenzie Schroeder poses with a shovel before going outside to clear her driveway on Thursday, March 2.
“Wake up, if I am going out to shovel on my day off, you are too.”
That was the exact sentence my dad said which, unfortunately, woke me up on this glorious snow day, Wednesday, March 2.
I practically rolled out of bed, threw on socks and shoes that did not match, and got to work.
To my disadvantage, our snow blower has not been working, so my family has turned to physical labor in order to remove the snow from our driveway.
First, I shoveled my driveway, then my patio, a path in the backyard for my dog, and finally my neighbor’s driveway.
At this point it was 11 a.m. and I felt like I had just finished a hard workout routine.
All I wanted was something to drink, a nap, never to work out again, and to enjoy the rest of my snow day.
So I took a shower, put my pajamas back on, and started relaxing with a cup of cocoa in hand.
I binged watched “Gossip Girl” (as I have done for the past three days) with my boyfriend to start off the snow day festivities.

Senior Makenzie Schroeder drinks some hot cocoa.
While my emotions were all over the place, due to the show tugging at my heartstrings, he kept falling in and out of sleep.
After about seven episodes (I have a major addiction), I decided it was time to tackle a challenge — cleaning my room.
Usually, my room is very organized and clean, but lately I have been procrastinating at keeping it that way.
Not to mention, I have a problem with getting rid of shoe boxes and shopping bags.
For some unexplainable reason, throwing those items away is impossible for me to do.
What if I need them? What if they ever could be useful?
For at least five minutes, I stared at the tower of boxes and bags that loomed before me.
I decided it was time for me to finally muster the courage to throw them away.
In the end, my room was cleaned and a total of eight shoe boxes and seven shopping bags were thrown away.
But I still kept a couple, of course.
Now it was 5 p.m. and it was time to finally get ready. Better late than never.

Seniors Makenzie Schroeder (left) and Mariah O’Leary pose for a silly photo at their dance banquet on Wednesday, March 2.
To finish off my day, I went to the K-Motion dance banquet.
On the way there, my parents and I contemplated why the high school’s parking lot was plowed, but the roads leading up to the school were filled with snow. What was the point of plowing if no one could get there? Our car even got stuck.
Once we arrived, which was not on time, I ate too much cake and too many slices of pizza and breadsticks.
Even though the food provided was absolutely amazing, my favorite part of it was sharing laughs with my friend Mariah.
On my way home, I drove my parent’s Pontiac G6, but my driving in the snow simply did not work.
We got stuck, again, so my dad decided to drive instead.
Hopefully, the government decides to actually start plowing my road and all of the other side roads for a change.

Class: Senior
Extracurricular Activities: National Honor Society, DECA
Sports: Varsity dance, varsity tennis
Hobbies/Interests: Reading, shopping,...