Celebrities’ opinions can impact your purchases
IMAGE / Mr. Kent Wang
Buyers are, oftentimes, swayed by the opinions of celebrities. This is the Louis Vuitton building in Hong Kong.
Recently, Kanye West has become more known to speak his mind and always fit his opinion into things.
Some people see him as a psychotic person because of his recent tantrums on social media taking shots at big businesses, paparazzi, and other celebrities.
West is known for telling people not to shop at certain stores because West believes many stores have betrayed him.
For example, he told people over a radio interview on an NYC radio station 92.3 to “not shop at a Louis Vuitton” because how he fell out with the business.
Because of this, many people wonder if celebrities actually impact people’s purchases.
Senior Alec Pennell has mixed feelings about whether or not a celebrity has the power to influence people’s purchases.
Pennell said he sometimes buys clothes he likes and would wear himself without any celebrity influence.
But he also said that when a celebrity bashes something he can stray away from that brand.
“A good example of that though is when Rocky (Rapper A$AP Rocky) said that a semi-popular clothing brand HBA (Hood by Air) was lame, it definitely steered me away from that brand,” Pennell said. “It’s all about the way it’s being done and why (the celebrity speaks out against the brand).”
Pennell, however, does not let the opinions of celebrities completely sway him.
“But like after he said that, my view of the brand is just soiled, so it would be hard (to buy that brand),” Pennell said. “He (A$AP Rocky) had to have bashed the brand for a reason.”
Junior Dakota Leland does not let the opinions of celebrities sway his buying habits.
“If I like it, I’ll get it no matter what,” Leland said.
The featured image is from flickr.

Class: Senior
Hobbies/Interests: Shoe collecting, computers, college
Plans after high school: Obtaining bachelor's degree in cyber defense