Look into my thoughts on a snow day
IMAGE / Karmen Bishoff
Hmm, what to do on this snow day?
With another snow day in the books Thursday, Feb. 25, I spent my day off from school how most teenagers would spend it.
I contemplated all of the chores and homework I should be doing, but in the end, I opted to get back into bed.
Or at least that’s what I thought my plans were going to be.
9 a.m.
I own two dogs — two dogs that do not get along whatsoever.
I woke up to the sound of barking and snarling, and the sound of my door flying open as they came running into my room.
Why can’t they just get along?
I do not consider myself a morning person, so to say the least I was not happy.
I woke up, slowly made my way to the kitchen, and I found a muffin from McDonald’s left by my dear mother.
It was delicious, but then again I was only half awake, so I don’t fully remember eating it.
10 a.m.

My highly inconsiderate pups.
Wow, I really should read “1984” for English.
Now would be a perfect time to work on my microeconomics homework.
Oh, or I could work on my calculus.
These are all thoughts that I quickly pushed aside as I got back into my loving bed.
I looked outside my window — the window that allows in way too much sunlight for my liking in the morning — and thought about all of the productive things I should be doing.
Yet again, I eliminated those thoughts and let my head hit my pillow.
Within seconds I was back to dreaming about all of the shopping I need to do for spring break.
11 a.m.
For some reason, whenever I close my door it always finds a way to open again.
I consider it extremely odd based on the fact that usually if a door is closed it is meant to stay closed unless knocked on.
But there is one possibility. There is only one person who thinks they are completely entitled to open a door without knocking.
She’s called my sister.
Her name is Emma, and she often does what she pleases, without thinking about my needs for sleep, much like my dogs.
“Wake up. We have chores to do,” Emma said.
Please, don’t call Mom and Dad. I just want to sleep.
I gave her the meanest look I could muster. That was her cue to leave my room.
If I am not up within seconds, she automatically calls our parents to complain about my laziness.
Other teenagers with younger siblings can attest to the annoying tactics.
And I was right. Eventually my phone rang and I was told to get up and help her.
I slammed my face into my pillow and let out a long groan.
How does she always win?
12 p.m.

Mornings are rough.
I was officially forced to get out of bed.
Although my parents were at work, I still felt threatened enough to get out of bed.
I made my way to the bathroom mirror, a decision I quickly regretted making.
Whoa, I look rough.
Do I always look like this when I wake up?
My hair — oh gosh my hair — I didn’t know it could look like this.
My pores are HUGE! Where is my face wash. I need my face wash pronto.
I think my eyebrows grew together overnight. I need tweezers stat.

Time to clean.
The horrendous thoughts could not stop, I considered getting back into bed.
“No,” I told myself, “you must be productive.”
I decided my best bet to wake up would be to take a shower.
I let the warm water hit my face.
Putting on comfy pajamas and getting back in bed sounds ‘perf.’
I frowned, I knew I couldn’t get back in bed.
I wrapped my hair in a towel, put some sweats on, and got to work on cleaning my room.
1 p.m.
Music is a must when it comes time to cleaning.
Time to turn it up and get stuff done.
Having a clean room makes me feel like a brand new person.
I should clean my room more often.
Wait, did I just say that?
My subconscious laughs at me, the reality is that I can barely keep my room clean for a day.
After cleaning my room, the bathrooms, folding clothes, and listening to my sister nag at me for not doing enough to help her, I think it’s time to migrate back to my room.
2 p.m.
I found myself back in bed with my phone in hand checking up on all of social media.
Maybe I should post a Throwback Thursday picture. Nah, I’m too lazy to pick one.
Suddenly, the thought that we might actually have school Friday hits me.
I haven’t bothered to look outside or check the weather.
I began to panic. I haven’t touched my backpack, let alone thought about having to find the effort to get out of bed in the morning.
I decided to work on some homework.
As I worked on homework, I noticed that the sun became stronger and stronger.
The driveways were being cleared, and the road conditions were improving.
All I could do was hope that we have a miracle and school would be cancelled.
4 p.m.
My lazy day continued. I made my way to the couch to watch some movies.
Further updates to come.
5 p.m.
There was only one person, crazy enough to drive on a snow day.
Tyler Phipps.
He safely made his way to my house and we continued our snow day together.
He has been my best of friend for several years, so, of course, I had to let him come over and celebrate having no school.
Just when I thought my day could not get better, my phone rang.
Please cancel school again. Please, please, please.
Sure enough, school was cancelled yet again.
Now I can stay up all night watching movies.

Tyler (right) and I end our snow day with a picture with our snowman.
7 p.m.
Tyler and I made the official decision to go outside and build a snowman.
It was the perfect ending to a perfect snow day.
Even though there were many more things that I could have done to be productive, I did not regret one lazy decision that I made.
Happy snow day to all, and to all a good night.
Oh, and another snow day.

Class: Senior
Extracurricular Activities: Student Council
Sports: Volleyball, basketball
Hobbies/Interests: Pinterest, watching Do-It-Yourself...
Laurie Bishoff • Feb 27, 2016 at 11:39 am