Apple, Microsoft computers have pros, cons
IMAGE / Jacob DePottey
With seniors about to graduate, many students are pondering the question of what they should get as a graduation gift.
Some may ask for a car, and others will ask for money.
An important gift to keep in mind is a computer.
But getting a computer conjures up the question: what kind of computer do I get?
The two biggest computer operating systems are from Microsoft and Apple. For about 40 years, Apple and Microsoft have been competitors.
Some view Apple as being superior, while others view Microsoft as the dominant operating system.
As with any product, both operating systems have some pros and cons.
For Microsoft users, there can be a multitude of benefits.
Let’s start off with the fact that most computers run some sort of Windows operating system and, because of that, most people are familiar with how to work Windows OS.
Another plus of Windows OS is when drivers for the motherboards become outdated or there is a hardware complication, users can easily fix it. Even if the user cannot find an update for an outdated driver, the user can easily contact Microsoft for help with fixing the problem.
The next benefit of using Windows mainly focuses on gamers, for it is the most widely supported OS for PC games.
There is only a relatively small amount of games that can run on Apple or another OS.
However, while using Microsoft OS, users may encounter some issues.
A critical drawback to Windows is that it is the primary OS for spyware and virus attacks.
Also while using Microsoft, there will be problems that the average user will need support for.
Another con of using Microsoft is the additional expenses while operating.
It is almost mandatory for Microsoft users to have a subscription to an anti-virus program, yet that can be relatively cheap. There are free anti-virus programs as well, but sometimes those may not work as well.
If a business is running a Windows-based website, the business will most likely have to invest money in development tools, which are mostly Microsoft products, meaning it will not be cheap.
However, that issue does not necessarily affect the average user.
The final negative to Microsoft OS is its poor stability.
Freezing, rebooting, and reinstalling programs is more commonplace on a Window OS compared to Apple, which is due to the fact that Microsoft products are filled with bugs.
Most users of Microsoft easily ignore the many cons of the OS and focus on the positives, making them view it as the better OS.
Like Microsoft, Apple has both positive and negative aspects to its OS.
A positive benefit of Apple computers is the easier use for non-technical people.
People who have little computer knowledge may want to invest in a computer with an Apple OS. It is simplistic and easy to understand for the technologically challenged.
The top-notch security is another essential benefit of the Apple OS.
With it being so secure, users do not have to worry as much about obtaining spyware or viruses, unlike with Microsoft.
Another benefit to Apple is its stability.
Apple OS has few bugs in its system, which reduces the frequency of reboots and updates.
The next plus of using Apple OS is that other Apple products are compatible.
Users can sync their iPhone’s to other Apple products like a MacBook and Apple Watch.
Much like the Microsoft OS, the Apple OS also has downsides to its product.
A big pitfall to Apple is the cost of its products.
A MacBook can easily cost over $1,000. That may not seem like an issue to others, but the price of a product can easily stop a person from buying it.
Another negative to Apple OS is its support.
Every hardware problem a user has with Apple OS must contact Apple support.
This can easily become problematic for someone who does not want to go through the hassle of contacting Apple.
The final issue with Apple OS is the small choices of hardware.
Some users may not view this as a problem, but others can find this problematic.
Apple OS runs on specific hardware, unlike Microsoft OS, where it can run on various types of hardware.
Overall, the type of OS to use for a computer really comes down to personal preference.
Some may have a completely different view on the pros and cons of Microsoft and Apple.
With all this information, hopefully seniors can have some knowledge on what type of computer to get and what they will prefer.

Class: Senior
Sports: Tennis
Hobbies/Interests: Math, science, computers
Plans after High School: Attending Michigan State University or Central...