If you grew up in Michigan, then you know these things
IMAGE / Hannah Coon
Sunset at Higgins Lake is always beautiful.
If you have ever lived outside of the state of Michigan or even visited another place then you know there are some significant differences.
Everyone who grew up in Michigan should be able to relate to these things.
We add an ‘s’ to everything
Believe it or not, it is Kroger not “Kroger’s.”
It is extremely common for people to add an ‘s’ to things that really do not have one.
We see nothing wrong with it either.
It is the way we have always talked, and that is not going to change.
By the way, it is also Big John not Big John’s.
Yes, I agree that it sounds ridiculous without the s.
Pointing to where we live on our hands
Living in the mitten shaped state really does have its perks.
This is much easier than trying to explain where we are from just with words.
Bottle returns
You never know a good thing until it is gone, and that good thing would be returning bottles.
Have you ever visited a relative in another state and been flustered when you are told you have to throw away cans or bottles?
We have always saved bottles and cans to take them back for 10 cents apiece.
It is what we do when we need gas money or some money for a football game.
We get all four seasons

The fall months in Michigan are beautiful.
It may seem like winters last forever, but we are lucky to actually experience all four seasons at their best and at their worst.
Fall is absolutely stunning and summers are never too dry or humid.
We get to go jet skiing and snowmobiling.
We get beautiful flowers in May and get to watch all the leaves change colors in October.
Getting funny looks when you ask for pop instead of soda
Who would have thought calling soft drinks pop was weird?
Take a trip to Florida for spring break and stop at a restaurant.
Ask what kind of pop they have and see how they respond.

Downtown Flint has bright arches that stay lighted every night.
It is a Michigan thing to say pop, believe it or not.
Down South, even in Ohio, they call it soda.
Flint and Detroit are not that bad
Sure, maybe those that grew up in the Upper Peninsula may not know the truth about Flint and Detroit, but we know all of the great things that come along with these two cities.
There definitely are areas to avoid in both of the cities, but for the most part they are pretty awesome.
Detroit has some of the best restaurants in the state, not to mention it is a great place for sports and concerts.
Campus Martius Park is in Detroit is stunning in the winter.
People of all ages love to ice skate there.
As for Flint, I mean Terry Crews is from here, it does not get much better than that.

Campus Martius Park is a great place for families to visit during the holidays.
Downtown Flint is diverse and anyone can find something interesting there.
From the Flint Crepe Company to Blackstone’s, to 501 Bar and Grill, there is a restaurant for everyone.
Not to mention, Back to the Bricks, the Crim, and the Strides Against Breast Cancer walk that takes place every October are annual favorites.
Take one visit to Pennsylvania and you will be completely disappointed solely because they think tubing is just floating down a river.
If you were raised in Michigan you were probably raised within a few miles of a body of water.
Tubing is almost breaking your tailbone and trying to keep water out of your eyes while you are yanked behind a speedboat.
You do not know pain until you have fallen off a tube going full speed.
Yes, it has made its way down to Ohio, but us Michiganders really are the only people who truly appreciate it.
Every gas station has it.
Ninety-nine cents for a 16-ounce cream soda is what dreams are made of.
Boston Coolers
You are probably confused by why they are even called Boston Coolers, considering they were invented here, not to mention you cannot get Vernor’s anywhere else.
It probably even makes you angry they are not called Michigan Coolers.
Or maybe that is just me.
Saying “rabbits” to make smoke go away
If you have not said rabbits over and over again while sitting around a campfire to make the smoke head in a different direction, did you even grow up in Michigan?
MSU vs U of M
Nothing ruins friendships better than this college football game.
Michigan State University and the University of Michigan fight it out annually to see whose team is better.
The feud tends to get out of control.
Just ask Mr. Kelly Christian.
At the end of the day we all know who the real enemy is though.
It starts with an O, and I think it should be left at that.
Fresh water is the best water

South Higgins Lake State Park is a great place to camp in Michigan.
Yes, trips to Florida are pretty awesome, but salt water is dreadful.
Talk about dehydration.
You cannot even touch your eyes after a dip in the ocean without thinking you are going to go blind.
Fresh water will forever hold a place in your heart because of this.
Plus, no sharks. That is always a bonus.
Big, close families
Maybe this is not just a Michigan thing, but it seems like it is.
You know all of your cousins, including your third cousins.
As crazy as they may make you, especially during that MSU vs. U of M game, they are still some of the best people you know.
Growing up in Michigan may seem like torture sometimes, but it is great too.

Class: Senior
Extracurricular Activities: Student Council Vice President, National Honor Society Vice President
Hobbies/Interests: Volunteering,...