Self-motivated and loyal, Chance Lo’Ree wants to be a doctor
IMAGE / Miranda Blaine
Senior Chance Lo’Ree rings up a customer at Tim Horton’s during the morning rush. Lo’Ree has been working there over a year.
Anyone who has experienced the separation of their parents knows what kind of person it takes to keep her composure.
Senior Chance Lo’Ree is one of those people.
Lo’Ree said that one of the biggest things that has ever influenced her was “probably when my parents split up.”
Lo’Ree is a strong, independent, and driven young woman. She plans to be either a neurologist or neurosurgeon after high school.
Mr. Andy Nester, Lo’Rees political science teacher, said Lo’Ree is a self-critic.
“She is openly honest about what she feels she can get better at,” Nester said.
Once Lo’Ree comes up with an idea, she plans it out and executes it.
Lo’Ree wanted students to be able to voice their feelings on certain topics without judgment, so she created The Wall. Lo’Ree writes open-ended statements and/or questions on a large sheet of paper and tapes it to the wall in the Media Center.
Students and teachers can write their feelings or answers on the page anonymously.
Lo’Ree updates The Wall almost every week.
“It was a good effort to make people feel heard and respected,” Nester said. “It showed (Lo’Ree) cares about others that are in a bad place or are hurting.”
Lo’Ree is also open with her friends.
Senior Jaylen Shock, one of Lo’Ree’s friends, said, “Chance has been very accepting and helpful to any problems that I have.”
Shock is grateful to have a friend like Lo’Ree.
“I am very thankful I met her,” Shock said. “Chance is a very loyal person who will never let you down.”
Not only does Lo’Ree care about other people and administer The Wall, she is also the secretary of Student Council.
As secretary, Lo’Ree has to take notes at all of the Student Council meetings as well as help decide how to aid the group in its progress.
Lo’Ree is also the co-founder of the forensics team and a thrower on the track and field team. She is currently enrolled in four AP courses and has a part-time job at Tim Hortons.
“I have all these great things present and available to me,” Lo’Ree said. “I want to take advantage of that just so that I can be the best that I can be.”
Lo’Ree currently has the fifth highest GPA in the Senior Class, and she plans on becoming valedictorian.
Lo’Ree is helpful to all of her friends, even if they aren’t all that close.
Senior Madison Cooper said, “Chance has made me realize that it’s OK when people have different opinions than I do and that it doesn’t make them stupid.”
In class, Lo’Ree always has an answer or opinion ready to go. She does not allow other students’ judgments to affect what she is going to say.
“My mom and my dad always told me, ‘Don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t do something,'” Lo’Ree said, “and ‘Don’t worry about what other people think about you.'”
Lo’Ree has taken this advice into serious consideration and has been using it her entire life.
She is now one of the most independent and determined people to walk the halls of KHS.
Lo’Ree said, “If someone tells me that I can’t do something, I just say, ‘Watch me.'”

Class: Senior
Clubs: National Honor Society, Student Council, Quiz Bowl
Athletics: Cross Country
Hobbies: Scrapbooking, Knitting
Future Plans:...