Music affects the lives of students
IMAGE / Kayla Smith
Music can affect students differently.
Music has been around for as long as we can remember.
Music plays an important role in a lot of lives.
Music can be related to by many different people making it an easy stress reliever.
There are many different genres of music like reggae, hip-hop, pop, R&B, rock, and heavy metal.
But there have been many speculations that music has also ruined lives by giving children a bad influence because of the music they choose to listen to.
Senior Jack Prieur believes music has a positive impact.
“In the hallways you see kids with their earbuds in,” Prieur said. “It helps when you are stressed and time just stops when listening to music.”
Music seems to be getting better year by year with all the new styles, sounds, and even old genres getting recognized again such as Dubstep and Electronic Dance Music, aslo known as EDM.
Depending on the genre of music you listen to it is understandable that people assume it is a bad influence for you.
Many songs are filled with violence and vulgar language and a bunch of other subjects that can be inappropriate for children.
Senior Coi Jenkins believes that music is a form of art and it can influence a teen in a negative or positive way.
“There are songs out there that positively influence kids but then there are also songs that talk about violence, gangs, and treating women like toys,” Jenkins said. “What I don’t think the kids realize is that the artist is just trying to paint an image about the world into their own words or the pain they feel in their words.”
Personally music helps me out immensely in school, it can put me in a better mood, or help me focus harder on the work given to me.
According to music can affect people in different ways.
For example, music with lyrics activates the language-processing centers of the brain, and the University of Phoenix said that this can be distracting.
However, instrumental music is less distracting than music with lyrics and causes a more relaxing and soothing feeling that can be better for studying.
But Prieur believes that any music makes him feel powerful.
“Music makes me feel invincible,” Prieur said.

Class: Senior
Hobbies/Interests: Shoe collecting, computers, college
Plans after high school: Obtaining bachelor's degree in cyber defense

Class: Senior
Extracurricular Activities: National Honor Society, tutoring, cashier at Dairy Queen
Sports: Varsity tennis
Hobbies/Interests: Reading,...