To prepare for exams, follow these tips

Exams can cause stress if you are not prepared for them.

There is also the general assumption that high school students will fail each of their exams. In fact, it has become a big joke on all social media. However with the right studying tips, everyone can be successful.

These are the best ways to get yourself prepared.

Maintain good grades

With exams being 20 percent of your semester grade, having a good grade before going into exams will benefit you.

Do well on the assignments and tests given prior to the exam so you understand the information that is covered on the exam.

Knowing the information before you study for exams will make retaining the information easier and studying will be less of a lesson and more of a review.

Finish each exam review

Reviews given by teachers are based off of the exams they have written. Once you finish a review, check with your teacher on questions you are unsure of. Correct wrong answers, and make sure you understand why it was incorrect.

The better you finish the review, the easier studying will be.


Things like homemade flashcards and quizzes are good to test what you do know compared to what you need to study better.

Quizlet, a smartphone application, can be used to help study.

You type in a vocabulary word or a question, then give the matching definition or answer, and the app makes a digital flashcard. There are also pre-made collections that you can use.

Study groups or partners can be helpful as well. You can share your study materials, quiz each other, and hold each other responsible for studying outside of the group.

Start early

Studying the morning of the exam will not benefit you.

Split reviews into parts, and go back and study each part as you finish it.

The information will be easier for you to remember because of the amount of times you have reviewed it.

By the time you take the exam, you will be able to remember what you learned with little trouble.

Be confident  

One of the best ways to do well on your exams is being confident in yourself.

Confidence in your knowledge gives you a good attitude, which is good to have while you take any test.

Negative thoughts of how tired you are or what you do not know can make you want to just get it over with instead of doing the best you can.

With a positive attitude, you will understand that you did your best on your exams. You will know that you know the information well enough to take the test and score well on it.

The amount of work and stress that exams bring can make a student nervous. These tips help exams seem less intimidating.

Good luck to students who are preparing for upcoming exams.