iPhone vs. Android: Cellphones have different characteristics
IMAGE / Kayla Smith
The choice between iPhones and Androids continues to be a struggle for consumers.
No matter where you go, you will always see a cellphone in somebody’s hand.
With the rapid use of cellphones growing year by year there is always somebody just getting into the smartphone community.
People are always asking friends what kind of cellphone they should get, and, of course, the majority of smartphone users have an opinion on the best smartphone.
A lot of people are quick to suggest an Android because there is a variety of shapes, sizes, and quality.
Others suggest an iPhone’s, despite the price.
There are other smartphones out there, but these are the top choices.
Apple released its first touch-screen smartphone and gave it the name iPhone in 2007.
Apple’s goal was to create a product with fewer buttons and more use of fingers on the screen, its own Internet Web browser and personal mp3 player.
Sophomore Jonathon Conley prefers the iPhone.
“The iPhone is much more simple and smoother than any other Android I have ever used,” Conley said.
The simplicity of the iPhone is a big reason it is so popular today.
I will say Androids are also simple if you are into technology, but I do not think they would be a good starter phone for someone who has never had a smartphone.
If you travel often or use your phone excessively and find yourself draining the battery, you may want to get an Android.
One feature the Android has that iPhone does not is access to the battery.
Frequent travelers who own Androids often purchase a second battery and take it with them on the go in case their phone dies.
Another thing that pushes people away from Apple is the charger cord.
Android uses a USB cord that is compatible with almost anything that can be charged.
Apple uses a different style charger than the Android, and it recently changed it, since the release of the iPhone 5, to a different lightning cable.
The different feature with the iPhone 5 lightning cable is it can be plugged in frontward or backward. This helps if you are in the dark and cannot see the charging port.
Some people go for the look and style of cellphones. Android has the advantage here.
Androids have many different phones and, of course, they all look different. Therefore, consumers have a wide variety of phones to choose from.
Apple, on the other hand, only changed its phone’s look only a couple of times.
The iPhone, iPhone 3G, and iPhone 3GS all have the same look.
The iPhone 4, iPhone 4s, iPhone 5, and iPhone 5s all have the same look, as well. The only difference is that the iPhone 5 and 5s have larger screens, and they are taller.
But Apple finally changed this look and gave the iPhone a more minimal design with the release of the iPhone 6 and 6 plus.
Android’s software is also popular. Most people like the fact that you can customize your whole phone.
Senior Brett Miller enjoys the Android more.
“IPhone’s are just kind of basic. You can’t really customize them unless you jailbreak it,” Miller said. “There’s not a lot of options for the iPhone, and I feel like my Android would be harder for me to break if I drop it.”
Miller also prefers the Android when it comes to his music.
“The music on Android is a lot more simple. On the iPhone, you have to download an app and listen to the music in the app,” he said. “Where with Android, you can download an app and then download the songs to your own music player. That helped me on my choice to pick Android over iPhone.”
Both cellphones are great, but I prefer the iPhone over an Android.
If you are younger and like having complete control over your phone, I would get an Android.
However, if you are going for something more simple and easy to use, I suggest an iPhone.
But before you buy, test the phones.
Go into your cellphone company’s store and play with the display phones before making a final decision.

Class: Senior
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