DECA will host book fair
IMAGE / Nadia Koontz
The Kearsley DECA chapter will be hosting a book fair this week in the teachers’ lounge.
“It is a DECA public service campaign,” Mrs. Kim Guest, DECA adviser, said. “We are raising money for the 10th grade English classes so they can have a book cart located in their classrooms for daily use.”
For students, their English classes will visit the book fair during their hour.
The book fair will be open to students, Wednesday, Dec. 9, through Friday, Dec. 11, from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.
It will be also open to the community during the basketball game on Friday, Dec. 11, from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Seniors Jayme Wharram and Jordan Gohs are the event coordinators.
“I wanted to get more involved in DECA,” Wharram said. “So I asked Mrs. Guest about writing a paper for states. Then that turned into not only working the fair, but also writing a paper on it for my event.”
Gohs was looking to be more involved in DECA, too.
“I got involved in the project because I have experience setting up a book fair,” Gohs said. “Since this is my first year in DECA, I was looking for more ways to get involved.”
Mr. Jared Rawls, English teacher, anticipates getting new books in his classroom.
“I am truly excited,” Rawls said. “The new books are actually pretty cheap and will be a great addition to the classroom.”

Class: Senior
Extracurricular Activities: Student Council, DECA, robotics
Sports: Tennis
Hobbies/Interests: Reading, writing
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