Saturday school erases absences
IMAGE / Gracen Nelson
KHS will be offering Saturday school sessions on Dec.12, Jan.16, and Jan. 23 to students who have over nine absences.
The make-up days will start at 8 a.m. and go till noon.
Students who do plan on attending Saturday school need to arrive before 8 a.m. Doors will be locked at 8:01 a.m.
Mr. Rob Reed, science teacher, is the teacher in charge of Saturday school.
“It’s a great opportunity for students to make up absences,” Reed said.
The attendance policy states that students who miss over nine days of school without an acceptable excuse must earn at least a 78 percent, or a C+ or better, on their exam in order to earn credit in that class.
For the students who go over in absences, if they earn anything less than a C+ on the exam, they will automatically fail the class with a withdraw failure grade.
“I’ve seen many students over in absences fail a class because they did not earn a C-plus,” Reed said. “Going to Saturday school to eliminate some absences could have easily prevented that.”
Saturday school is used to reduce the number of absences a students has accumulated during the semester.
They may not reduce their absences to anything less than nine, so students who have exactly nine absences should not worry, unless they miss school again.
Saturday school is not just for students who need to eliminate absences.
Students will be assigned Saturday school for disciplinary reasons in place of suspension. This is done to prevent students from missing any real school days.
Like any other school day, there are rules that students need to be aware of.
Students must bring school-related work to work on during the hours provided.
Sleeping, talking, using headphones, and using cellphones is prohibited.
Students who attend must sign in and out on the Saturday school list to receive credit.
There are two scheduled bathroom breaks at 9:30 a.m. and 11 a.m.
Students who are over in absences need to take advantage of these opportunities to make up days, especially seniors.
Seniors who miss over nine days without making them up will not be allowed at the senior prom.
Seniors and all other students should be quick to use these Saturday school make up days to erase absences.
It will help their absence record and save seniors from not being able to attend prom.
The biggest help Saturday school does is lessen the stress of getting a C+ or better on exams.

Class: Senior
Extracurricular Activities: DECA, Drama Club, works at Kmart
Sports: Tennis
Plans after high school: Attending Mott Community College,...