Students behind in credits can catch up
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Mr. Craig Golembiewski advises students who are behind in credits to sign up for seventh-hour classes.
If you’re behind on credits, you won’t want to miss out on an opportunity — enrolling in a seventh-hour class — to gain some credits toward graduation.
The deadline for students to sign up with their counselor for seventh hour classes is Friday, Nov. 6.
Mr. Craig Golembiewski, guidance counselor, encourages all students who need to catch up on credits to sign up.
“If students have failed a class it is our (the guidance counselors) preference that they immediately attempt to get the credit back through a seventh hour,” Golembiewski said.
Students are able to retake any core classes they failed during previous school years.
It costs $50 per class and is nonrefundable.
This credit recovery program begins Monday, Nov. 9, and lasts 12 weeks.
English 9 through 12, Applied Biology, Physical Science, Chemistry, algebra classes, Geometry, U.S. History, World History, Political Science, Economics, Spanish I and Spanish II will be offered.
Students are not allowed to miss more than three classes. Any more than that will result in their removal from the program.
Students showing up late to the class a total of three times will get marked absent.
This program is computer-based, allowing students to work at their own pace to complete assignments.
Sessions are two days a week and two hours long.
Students are expected to complete some work at home.
World languages, social studies and English sessions will be held on Mondays and Tuesdays, while science and math sessions will be held on Wednesdays and Thursdays.
Classes begin after school at 2:25 p.m. in Rooms 601 and 602.
Students must complete all course requirements in order to gain the credit.
There are only 30 spots available for each session, so students need to sign up as soon as possible.
Golembiewski said taking a seventh hour is cheaper than attending summer school.
“Summer school can be more pricey and inconvenient, so students should take advantage of this seventh-hour opportunity,” he said.

Class: Senior
Sports: Tennis
Hobbies/Interests: Math, science, computers
Plans after High School: Attending Michigan State University or Central...