No-shave November trend is on the rise
IMAGE / Miranda Blaine
Senior Kyle Alburtus shows off his beard. Alburtus participates in No-shave November.
Nov. 1 marks the beginning of the annual No-shave November trend.
No-shave November was created to raise awareness for cancer patients, since they often lose their hair during treatments. Some students have turned the trend into a little competition among their friends.
Senior Kyle Alburtus is actively involved in this fall trend.
“Two of my buddies — they’re not in high school, Alex Trombley and Nate Klamer — we have a little competition between the three of us,” Alburtus said, “and the winner gets a gift from the other two. So it’s like a competition we have.”
However, many students do not participate in the awareness campaign. Some students do not know what the campaign is about or feel self-conscious about letting their facial hair grow out.
“I think a lot of people are weirded out by facial hair,” Alburtus said. “I mean, it is natural. I mean, if you just let it go. It’s only for a month.”

Class: Senior
Clubs: National Honor Society, Student Council, Quiz Bowl
Athletics: Cross Country
Hobbies: Scrapbooking, Knitting
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