Spain Trip Series: I play on la playa (the beach) in San Sebastián
IMAGE / Alexis Schwartz
I stick my toes in the ocean at the beach.
This is part four in a five-part series.
Up to this point in the trip, we had mostly stayed indoors, and visited places like the Royal Palace, museums and restaurants, but now it was time for some outdoors fun.
We were nearing the end of our trip, and as a way to relax, we traveled to San Sebastián, where we finally went to a beach. Unfortunately, though, when packing for the trip, I forgot to pack a bathing suit. But it was still nice to wade in the water.
I also had another opportunity to eat tapas, although this time they were potatoes with red sauce. They were really good. I liked them better than the seafood tapas I had eaten earlier in the trip (probably because they are more similar to my normal diet).
The last thing we did before leaving this beautiful city was to ride a carousel and have some picture taken while on it.
It was fun even though we got some strange looks from some of the Spaniards.

We spin around on the carousel in San Sebastian.
Next, we traveled to Pamplona, where the running of the bulls takes place every year. However, we were about two weeks early for the event, so it was pretty boring. We did get free time, so I bought a shirt and a keychain (I got one everywhere except San Sebastián and Burgos) and then we all got some ice cream because it was extremely hot outside.
Finally, we got to go back to the hotel in Burgos and get some rest before the seven-hour bus ride to Barcelona the next day. The bus ride was terrible, but the destination was incredible.

Class: Senior
Extracurricular Activities: National Honor Society, tutoring, cashier at Dairy Queen
Sports: Varsity tennis
Hobbies/Interests: Reading,...