IMAGE / Jonathen Hart

Kearsley Seniors say goodbye

Class of ’22 experiences their own fairytale ending

The Class of 2022 has faced many hardships in their four years of High School, between COVID-19, losing friends we used to go to school with, and getting to the finish line one day at a time.

While many individuals don’t believe in the magic of having a fairy tale ending, the magic happens within each one of us. Our hard work and imagination is all the magic we need to build a better world and work towards a better future.

Though we will go down different paths, live different life styles, and maybe fall out of touch with each other, the one thing that will stay forever is that we are part of the Class of 2022 and we all graduated as Kearsley Hornets.

“Around here, however, we don’t look backwards for very long. We keep moving forward, opening up new doors and doing new things, and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.”- Walt Disney

Thanks for the memories Kearsley, until next time.

– Class of 2022

Thank you, Kearsley
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