IMAGE / Joshua Kendrick
Kailer Young, Sam Kelsey, Ayden Stacey, and Josh Kendrick in the newsroom.
Joshua Kendrick Senior Farewell
As a senior, this is my final story for the year.
It’s kind of bittersweet because everything I’ve done for the past four years has built up to where I’m at now, but also most aspects of my life are about to change with very few things staying the same.
In the end though, I am excited and ready for what’s to come in the future no matter what it could be.
Throughout my high school experience, I’ve been through quite a bit.
I’ve had my ups and downs just like everyone else, but I think the best part about high school has been all of the great friends and the memories I’ve made with them.
From finding a new path to bike down to getting into and playing at the schools talent show, my friends have been with me the whole way.
But now some of us have to go our separate ways while others have to stay which is just unfortunately how it has to be sometimes.
I think the three best pieces of advice I can give to the underclassman have to be this: wear deodorant, don’t fail your classes, and just be nice to people.
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