‘On My Block’, Season 4, leaves people wondering


IMAGE / Mil'Lana Bradshaw

‘On My Block’, Season 4 coming back to the beginning.

This is it, the final season of Netflix series ‘On My Block’ has dropped Monday October 4, 2021.

Everyone was left on a cliff hanger at the end of season 3 after showing the viewers that the group had separated when Monse (Sierra Capri) left Free Ridge to go to a females only boarding school.

In season 4, it shows the group had a reunion and Oscar (Spooky) had really improved his life and was getting ready to move far away with his wife that was pregnant with his daughter.

Spooky had wanted to take Cesar with him but, Cesar didn’t want to move away from ‘His People’ (The Santos). Cesar quickly realized that the gang wasn’t really ‘with him’ and he changed his mind about Oscar’s offer.

There are many developments that happen in this season, continuing with a strong story line.

My opinion on season 4 is that the first few episodes were not as interesting as I hoped they would be.

After episodes 5 and 6, it gets so interesting that I replayed the episode a few times.

The end of season 4 showed a group of kids looking over the wall, just like Cesar, Monse, Jamal, and Ruby did at the beginning of season 1, episode 1.

This is potentially leading into the spin-off series ‘Free Ridge’, which is set to debut in fall of 2022.