IMAGE / Natalie Shelton
Ms. Kari Shaw retires from KHS after 34 years.
Shaw retires after 34 years at KHS
Ms. Kari Shaw has been teaching at KHS and has been the Yearbook advisor for 34 years.
Shaw has taught English 11, AP Literature and Composition, and Yearbook .
Shaw decided to retire this year to find something different, a change of pace.
“After I retire, I’m going to do some work on my house, write, travel, sing, and spend time with my parents and my sons,” Shaw said.
Shaw valued teaching upcoming generations.
“The opportunity to really get to know students by having them multiple years in yearbook class has been very special,” Shaw said. “That class has given me the opportunity to teach multiple generations from many families, too.”
Shaw always went above and beyond for her classes.
She gave her AP Literature students a chance to immerse themselves in the Shakespeare world by taking them to Stratford, Canada to see plays. She would also take some of her yearbook staff members to yearbook workshops to get their creativity flowing.
Miss Kasey Palmer, graduate, was a staff member of KHS’ yearbook, the Echo, for three years and was the Editor in Chief of for the 2019-20 school year.
Being in the class so long Palmer developed a strong teacher-student bond with Shaw.
“Every time I needed someone she was always there for me, no matter what, even if it was not school related,” Palmer said. “Yearbook was especially fun because of all the things we got to do and the food. I definitely miss it and am happy that I took it for three years.”
Shaw has lived in the Kearsley area her entire life and deeply values the community.
“Thanks, Kearsley, for being my home for 13 years as a student and 34 years as an educator,” Shaw said. “Kearsley will always hold a special place in my heart.”