IMAGE / Hicks Studios
Senior Sydney Horne
Sydney Horne, Reporter
This year has had its rough times, but everything turned out good at the end.
I have been a Hornet for seven years. Through these few years at Kearsley, the teachers and staff have been able to push me to do better.
They made me love school. Some of them helped me figure out what I wanted to go to college for just by learning in their classrooms and having little conversations with them almost every day.
I am planning on going to Mott Community College to start learning more about drafting and design.
I didn’t even know that I would like drafting until my senior year.
I am so excited to see what the future has for me with this career that I am choosing.
I am upset that this year had to end, but I know all the teachers I have had over the past years have been preparing me for this moment.
They sure did make saying goodbye hard, but I know that they were preparing me for my future.