IMAGE / Connor Earegood

Click each senior goodbye below to view each writer’s farewell.

Eclipse seniors bid KHS aloha

Chao, adios, au revoir, and arrivederci all mean goodbye.

But instead of farewell, The Eclipse’s seniors choose to say aloha.

At face value, the Hawaiian salutation serves as a way to both greet and leave someone.

Graduation offers such a situation: leaving high school and greeting the future with open arms, leaving classmates and friends while welcoming new acquaintances.

But on a deeper note, aloha might be the perfect fit to describe the Class of 2020’s emotions.

Aloha stands for a blend of love, compassion, gratitude, and grief. In native Hawaiian culture, aloha is the force that holds them together in positivity and causes good will to flow within them.

No word better encapsulates the emotions that pour out of the Class of 2020.

So as we finally pull into the station after a rollercoaster of a year, The Eclipse’s seniors would like to thank everyone who contributed to making our wild ride a better experience.

Click on the images below to view each senior’s goodbye.

Raydoffa Braziel, Arts & Entertainment Editor
Connor Earegood, Editor in Chief
Sydney Horne, Reporter
Elizabeth Taylor, Managing Editor
Stacia Tipton, News Editor

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