Class of 2019 celebrates prom

April 29, 2019

IMAGE / Mrs. Stephanie Langworthy

The Class of 2019 smiles for its prom photo.

Prom is something that high school students look forward to when they become a senior.

However, prom didn’t start out as a high school dance to celebrate the end of a student’s high school experience.

Instead, the first proms where held for graduating college students and were called debutante balls.

These balls showed young women how they were to act when they were to become married and were used as a showcase for the eligible bachelors.

Debutante balls started out as something for the rich in the northeast, but for the middle class, co-ed prom parties were held for a similar purpose.

It wasn’t until the ’20s that high schools began to hold a prom.

Ever since then, the tradition of the dance stuck.

This year at KHS, the Class of 2019’s prom was Saturday, April 27, at the Lapeer Country Club.



Teachers look back on prom

IMAGE / Courtesy of Mr. Mike Simms
Mr. Michael Simms, science teacher, (left) attended prom with his future wife Mrs. Joann Simms, Weston elementary teacher.

Prom is held for high schoolers across the country every year. No matter the theme, food, or location, everyone remembers their prom.

While students may only think of teachers attending the prom as chaperones, most teachers at KHS enjoyed their own prom as students.

Mr. Michael Simms, science teacher, enjoyed having one last hurrah with his classmates before graduation.

“I did enjoy prom,” Simms said. “I am not a good dancer by any stretch of the imagination. However, it was more than that. It was about being with my friends and classmates one last time in a formal setting.”

Prom has been a tradition at high schools nationwide since the 1920s. By the ’50s, prom became one of the most iconic parts of every upperclassman’s school year.

The event has evolved since its introduction, with decorations and formal wear growing more expensive by the year.

Mrs. Caitlin Manson, Spanish teacher, said prom is a fun event despite its ever-growing complexities.

IMAGE / Courtesy of Mrs. Caitlin Manson
Mrs. Caitlin Manson, Spanish teacher, (right) attended her senior prom with her future husband, Mr. Brandon Manson.

“It appears to me that prom has gotten blown a bit out of proportion over the years, even since I was in high school,” Manson said. “It can be a very expensive event. I still think it’s a fun tradition, and it’s a nice way for our seniors to start their celebration of the end of their high school careers.”

While there are always a few students who are “too cool for prom,” teachers recommend attending the event.

Mrs. Marti VanOverbeke, English teacher, said students should go to prom whether they can dance or not.

“I do think students should attend prom, even if they don’t like dancing necessarily,” VanOverbeke said.

Teachers remember prom as one of the last events they had their senior year to come together with their class and make memories.

VanOverbeke appreciates the change in ambiance prom offers for students.

“It’s just a different, fun environment to celebrate the friendships you’ve made and hope to maintain into your adulthood,” VanOverbeke said. “It’s nice to see everyone dressed up and just enjoying the final moments of your senior year.”

Bellmer, Cox twins spend hours preparing for prom

Although prom is a time to doll up and feel good about yourself, it is also a day full of the stress that comes with getting ready.

Whether it be the process of doing makeup, nails, hair, or finding the perfect dress, getting ready is not the easiest for girls, as money and time fly out the window quickly.

For seniors Abby Bellmer and twins Anijha and Ania Cox, they enjoyed the preparation that came with prom.

It was a night they will always remember.

IMAGE / Courtesy of Abby Bellmer
Senior Abby Bellmer stands for a photo before prom after getting ready.

Abby Bellmer, senior

Like most girls, Bellmer was ahead of the game and got her nails and toes done the day before the dance to save time.

But the day of prom, she still had a lot to do.

Starting her preparation, Bellmer spent her afternoon at a hair appointment, and like every girl knows, hair appointments are time consuming.

But in the midst of it all, Bellmer was excited to get spruced up and see the results.

“I really enjoy getting all glammed up for things,” Bellmer said. “Getting ready by yourself can be relaxing.”

Bellmer did her own makeup, something she enjoys doing.

In the long run, Bellmer loved seeing everyone and how beautiful they all looked.

For Bellmer, prom went well.

“I had a lot of fun dancing with my friends,” Bellmer said. “Prom was by far my favorite dance throughout high school.”

IMAGE / Courtesy of Ania and Anijha Cox
Sisters Ania (left) and Anijha Cox, seniors, get together for a photo at prom.

Ania and Anijha Cox, seniors

Waking up at 7 a.m., the girls had a busy day ahead of them.

For the twins, prom preparation means working together and going together.

As Ania got her hair done at 8 a.m., Anijha got her makeup done by their mother.

As time passed, it was then Ania’s turn for makeup while Anijha had a hair appointment at 10 a.m.

Multitasking was a must for the girls.

Although stressful, the girls believe getting ready with someone else was fun and made time go by quickly.

“Once ready, I felt like the most beautiful girl in the world,” Ania said.

Following the glam session, the girls were able to grab a bite to eat with their mother and her friends. Afterward, the twins traveled to For-Mar Nature Preserve for some pictures.

“Prom was fun,” Anijha said. “We stayed the entire night and danced with friends.”

White, Langworthy enjoy getting ready for their final dance

Tuxedos, suits, ties, and, of course, the corsage boutonniere duo is just a few of the things that come when getting ready for prom.

The stress of prom is assumed to be only for girls, but it’s not easy preparing when it comes to being a boy either.

Perfectly matching your outfit to your date’s dress can be challenging.

For seniors Stephen White and Kyle Langworthy, prom was enjoyable and lifelong memories were made.

Stephen White, senior

IMAGE / Ms. Carryn White
Senior Stephen White (right) twirls senior Mallory Simms in downtown Flint before prom.

White attended prom with senior Mallory Simms. The two have spent five dances together.

“I asked Mallory with balloons and a fun pun at her house on her birthday,” White said.

When it comes to planning what to wear for the dance, boys have a choice.

There are many options ranging from where to shop, to get a suit or tuxedo, and to wear either a bow tie or a normal tie.

White chose a tuxedo from Men’s Wearhouse with a bow tie.

One thing that was stressful for White was matching Simms.

“It was difficult matching my tuxedo, and the blue was too dark,” White said. “But I think it was manageable because sometimes you just have to go with it.”

White said getting ready for the dance, as a guy, is not as complicated as it is for girls, but he believes boys shouldn’t be overlooked.

“It is definitely easier getting ready for prom as a guy, but it’s still stressful for me,” White said. “I still want to look good and show that I care.”

Despite the chaos that comes with prepping for the big dance, White enjoyed the entire dance and had fun with Simms. But he was not in favor of the weather.

“The most enjoyable part about prom was probably everything but the cold,” White said. “I enjoyed the entire thing and had a lot of fun with Mal, but the weather was not good.”

Kyle Langworthy, senior

IMAGE / Mrs. Stephanie Langworthy
Seniors Kyle Langworthy (left) and Stephanie Lane smile as a picture is captured before prom.

Langworthy asked senior Stephanie Lane to their last high school dance together. They have spent the last six dances together.

“I asked my date with a basket full of tennis balls that spelled out the word prom,” Langworthy said.

He chose to rent his tuxedo through President Tuxedo, where if he rented a tuxedo he received a suit for free.

Like White, Langworthy also found it hard to match his date’s dress.

One stressful part for a boy’s prom preparation is matching his colors to his date’s dress — tuxedos, suits, bow ties, and normal ties all come in different colors.

“It was difficult to match my date,” Langworthy said. “I did not realize that there were so many different shades of blue.”

Langworthy also agrees that preparing for the dance is simpler when it comes to being a boy.

“I think that it’s easier to get ready for the boy because there isn’t much to do the day of prom,” Langworthy said.

As prom is viewed as the last hurrah, Langworthy appreciated the memories made at the dance.

“The most enjoyable part was spending time with Steph and all of my classmates,” Langworthy said. “It was fun to see everyone dressed up.”

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