IMAGE / Autumn Prescott
Pumpkin patch pudding is the perfect way to celebrate Halloween
This simple recipe for a fun pudding surprise is an easy way to get in the Halloween spirit.
Ingredients and Supplies
- Chocolate cookies with cream
- Pudding (to make a mix you will need the mix itself and milk)
- Candy Pumpkins
- Clear plastic cups
To begin this recipe, you need to make the pudding. I chose to use instant pudding mix, opting for the Great Value brand from Walmart.
To make the pudding you mix the pudding powder and a cup of milk together until it’s blended well. Let the pudding sit so it’s thick enough to pour into cups. This should only take a few minutes.

The Oreo crunch should look like dirt and rocks.
After making the pudding, you need to make the “dirt” for your pumpkin patch.
To do this, you need to take Oreos and scrape off the inside filling. I just threw the cream away. But there are tons of recipes out there where it may come in handy, so save it if needed.
After separating the filling from the cookies, you must turn the cookies into a crumble.
To get the cookies to look like dirt, I filled a sandwich bag with the cookies and hit the bag with a meat tenderizer. Sure the tool is for meat but you can get creative in the kitchen.
Once the cookies resemble dirt or a kind of crumble, you can start layering the pudding and the cookies in the cups.

This pudding treat is simple to make and makes being festive a breeze.
It doesn’t matter which one you start with or how thick the layers are. The thinner the layers are, though, the more your cup will look like actual dirt.
Layer your cup to the brim and then you can decorate the top. You can use candy pumpkins, gummy worms, and green frosting to make grass and leaves.
I chose to only use pumpkins but you can make your pumpkin patches as extravagant as you want.
This dessert is very easy to make and only takes about 30 minutes to finish.