Sunless January darkens students’ moods

In the month of January there were only three sunny days in the city of Flint.

On days without a sunny sky, the level of serotonin in the human body can drop low according to

Serotonin is a chemical naturally produced by the brain. This chemical is known for preventing depression and improving one’s mood overall.

Some students, like Lauren Speagle, sophomore, found the lack of sun to be depressing.

“It makes me tired and sleepy,” Speagle said. “On a cloudy day it’s just so dark out. I just want to sleep because it’s depressing and sad. But on a sunny day you’re happy.”

On a cloudy day it’s just so dark out. I just want to sleep because it’s depressing and sad.

— Lauren Speagle, sophomore

Now that its winter, students aren’t outside as much because of the cold weather.

In the summer, the body creates vitamin D3 which can last throughout the fall and lead to more vitamin D production. The sun’s UV rays can also lower the body’s blood pressure, according to

On cloudy, winter days, freshman Nisha Hartley chooses to stay inside.

“It’s boring and I don’t feel like going outside,” Hartley said.